We live in such a beautiful world when you really think about it. Each part of the earth is different from the next, which gives it such a uniqueness to it's beauty. Now imagine if the earth wasn't unique. What if the entire earth was just covered in flat plains and cornfields? I'm not saying there isn't any beauty in a cornfield, but the world wouldn't be unique if everything looked the same. Well, the same goes for human beings. Each person is filled with their own thoughts, ideas, words, and actions. Everyone dresses different, talks differently, loves differently, and believes in different things. Not one single person is the same as the next, and that is quite a beautiful thing. So why are we so judgemental of each other? Why is it when someone is different than us, we have to make comments or write them off just because we find them "weird"? No, we do not have to like every single person we meet, but we shouldn't judge them because that is not our job as human beings on this earth. Our job is to make this earth a wonderful place for all different kinds of people to live on, especially people who are not like us.
So how do you live a judgement free life? Well I will be the first to admit, it is almost close to impossible to do, but you can practice it. When I first wanted to stop judging people, it had to start with me stopping a judgemental thought and thinking about something positive about that person instead. For example, If I saw someone dressed a little funny, I would change that thought into something like "they seem happy with who they are, and I should try to be more like them". Soon enough I realized judgemental thoughts crossed my mind a lot less than they did before. Second, I learned to appreciate who I was as a person and love myself for how unique I am. You can't appreciate others before you learn to appreciate yourself. Once I realized all the things that made me different from others, I began to like the things that made other people different from me. Third, I started saying verbal compliments to people about things I liked about them. Even the smallest compliment can make someone's day so much better, and help them to learn to love their uniqueness. Finally, I decided to work on (and am still working on) not judging people for their opinions that I do not agree with. Not everyone has the same mind set as me, because not everyone has been raised the same way I was, or has grown up the way I have. Who am I to judge someone else's opinion just because it is different than mine? I can speak my mind and be vocal about my ideas and thoughts, but I should continue to respect those who do not think the same way as I do.
We are all beautiful human beings and it is time for us to recognize that, and turn judgement into positivity and acceptance.