You might think your world is coming to an end, that everything is crumbling and there is no coming back, but I promise – there is light at the end of the tunnel. From the broken hearts, the loss of best friends and the struggles of college, I promise it will all be okay.
Forgive and forget.
This doesn’t mean you need to verbally forgive the person who has done you wrong, but mentally and emotionally forgive them. Forgive in a sense of, what’s done, is done. It’s time to forget about the bad, remember the good, and walk away. Take it as a learning experience. You can’t fix what’s already broken and you can’t change the unchangeable. Just remember the good times and let the bad times roll away.
Learn to love yourself.
Don’t let other people be your main source of happiness. At the end of the day, you are your only priority and your longest commitment. Do what makes you happy, what you’re the most passionate about and for once, put yourself first. Think about all the times you were put second and not made a priority, it’s time to be that priority. Before someone else can love you, you need to love yourself and show them that you are strong and capable of being loved. To do that, you need to show people what you love and what there is to love about you.
Look before you fall.
You need to know exactly what you’re getting yourself into before you go in full hearted. Coming from an outsider and one with personal experience, we tend to fall hard, which is why getting back up is such a difficult task. Being more invested and even loving your significant other or a future significant other more can be one of the toughest challenges we face as a woman. You need to analyze the person and the situation before letting your guard down and wearing your heart on your sleeve.
In our 20’s, we tend to be the most vulnerable but we can’t let that get the best of us. We need to learn to be our own backbone and not let our happiness depend on a guy or anyone else but ourselves. It’s your turn to be selfish, only worry about yourself until someone shows you that they’re capable of loving you the way you love yourself.