Dead week is upon us. And while we aren't supposed to have anything due, we probably have a few last assignments or projects professors are sneaking in, along with a plate full of stress for the finals we need to study for, we are dead. So what are we to do when we have so much to do?!
Relax. Take a deep breath! Dead week sucks, we all know it. But relax, this is the calm before the storm. Being stressed the whole time won't help you pass your exams, it'll only add another thing to balance on your plate.
Plan it out. You know that planner that's at the bottom of your backpack from the beginning of the semester? Get it out, it's about to be used. Plan out when each of your exams will be, and when you have class. Heck, go crazy! Color code, plan your days down to the hour, do whatever you need to do. But planning ahead is always a must.
Sleep. We've all heard it, and we all ignore it. All-nighters with Monster and pizza rolls isn't always the best choice. Getting a solid eight hours of sleep is the best-case scenario.
Study in advance. The best way to study isn't to cram, contrary to popular belief. We all say we're gonna study before the exam rolls around, but we never do. A week before your exam, crack open your book and skim it. Take about an hour with each subject and find your weak spots. Each day, work on a chapter or two, until you feel ready to review it all.
Find a study buddy. Studying can be fun! Said no one ever. But with a study buddy you can help each other by learning new things and quizzing each other. That's fun! Right?
Stay energized. Whether it's coffee, tea, or naps, stay awake. Don't fall into the trap of watching Netflix for energy. I've tried it. It doesn't work.
Take a break. It's been proven by scientists and psychologists that the best way to study is to take short breaks. You'll absorb more information through hours of studying with breaks every hour or so, rather than four hours straight of staring at the same pieces of paper. During those breaks, eat or drink something to keep you awake and attentive.
Exercise. It doesn't have to be a four-mile run at the gym, it could be a walk outside with your roommate to get some fresh air. It is known that people who visit the gym are more likely to have a higher GPA than those who don't.
Whatever you do, don't panic. The semester is almost over. Look forward to it! Celebrate with your favorite Starbucks drink or a McFlurry when you finish your last exam. Then race home and cuddle with your dog about how horrible your exams week went. But at least you passed dead week!