For years I’ve wanted to plan a trip to New York City with my friends. I was blessed to be able to go to the city with my family every year, making it almost like a Christmas family tradition (every Jewish girl’s dream, really). We would go to Broadway, look at the tree, tourist it up in the Marriott right in Time’s Square, falling asleep to the soothing tones of the giant fluorescent Coca-Cola sign outside of our window. Fast forward a few years, I am turning 24 and having spent the last 5 and a half years in college (undergrad and as I tell my fourth graders “second college”) I have negative dollars to my name. The smart, educated woman who has over ⅔ of a master’s degree would pocket all the money she is making from her part time minimum wage job to save for the real world. This girl? She wants to get lit. So, you are welcome frugal and poor 20 something-year-olds who want to enjoy the city, even though you have virtually no money. Here’s how to party in New York City, on a budget in 5 simple steps.
Step 1: Friends
Get a lot of friends. I’m serious. It may seem like this would cost you more money but you’d be surprised how many group deals you can find along with being able to split room and board by more than 3 or 4 people saves a ton of money.
Step 2: Sleeping Arrangements
Use Air BnB. After spending 4 hours (I am not exaggerating) researching 2 hotel rooms to stuff 9 girls in, forget the classy hotel in Time’s Square. There are plenty of beautiful apartments throughout New York that are just a quick subway ride away that don’t drive up the prices because of the holiday season. It took some digging but I finally found the perfect Brooklyn apartment for 9, yes 9, girls to stay in.
Step 3: Transportation
Look at the subway schedule. Make sure wherever you are staying the Subway is close by and open 24/7. You don’t want to get stuck in the middle of the city and have to call a $150 Uber ride to save you.
Step 4: Drinking Destination
Research bars before you go. It’s tougher than you think just going to New York and finding a bar that is both classy and trashy enough to get your groove thang on. I researched what certain bars were like (including pictures and dress codes) emailed some peeps, and found my way onto several lists (that means no cover for anyone in your group)!
Step 5: Getting to the city
Now this step only works if you live in Rhode Island and a few other select cities around New England (although you probably wouldn’t be going to NYC on a budget if you have to fly there anyway). This is probably the biggest life hack of them all. I cannot explain how much sleep I lost trying to find a train that wasn’t at least $100 and didn’t require someone to drive us almost halfway to New York just to catch a cheaper (like $80) train. has some buses that go as low as $5 depending on the day and have great reviews!