When you're the "mom" or your friend group, it's typical that you would have a "mom" purse as well. A "mom" purse is a purse that contains items for every scenario you could come in contact with. Many if not all of these items could save the day. You don't necessarily need a giant bag just to run to the movies with your friends but you faithfully bring it everywhere. You can't picture being someplace and not having the essentials for emergencies. Here are 14 items that every "mom" should have in her purse for her friends.
1. Lip balm
Chapped lips are definitely not cute and are uncomfortable.
2. Bobby pins
Good for pinning hairs out of place. These will most likely get lost in the bottom of your purse somewhere.
3. Hand sanitizer
There's an 85% chance one of your friends will ask you for some hand sanitizer before eating a meal.
4. First-Aid kit
Stock this full off pain relievers and antacids. You never know when someone will get a headache or a stomach ache. Oh, and don't forget band-aids in case there's a papercut or a blister occurs.
5. Snacks
These are a no-brainer. Having "hangry" friends is unpleasant.
6. Tissues
Perfect for blowing your nose or spitting your gum into.
7. Gum/mints
The cure for bad breath. As soon as someone knows you have gum, your cover is blown and everyone will want a piece.
8. Lotion
Dry cracked hands are uncomfortable, this will solve that problem. This also helps with frizzy hair.
9. Makeup remover wipes
Necessary for those late nights that turn into early mornings. Also necessary for times where you're not feeling your makeup that day.
10. Pen and paper
If someone needs to jot down a quick note or if young children need to be entertained. Never know when this will come in handy.
11. Hair ties
Every female will ask you for one of these. Guarantee these will also be lost at the bottom of your purse.
12. Phone charger
It's inevitable that someone's phone will die during the day because they're Snapchatting too much.
13. Tampons/pads
These are very important to have on hand. Mother Nature likes to show up whenever she wants to. You will be a lifesaver for your friends.
14. Stain remover pen
For those pesky times where spills and messes will occur especially on your white blouse or white jeans.