Finals week is upon us and I think that us college students don't know if we should cry tears of sadness or tears of joy since the semester is finally coming to an end. Finals week doesn't have to be full of restless nights and stress pouring out of your pores, finals week can be less stressful than you think. I am here to help you not stress so badly over the most dreaded week of the semester.
1. Get plenty of rest the week before.
If you plan on staying up past your bedtime during finals week then make sure you go to bed at a reasonable time every night the week before. That way you are ready to study and you won't have to worry about being sleep deprived.
2. Stay hydrated.
Drinking water keeps your brain happy, and since you will be using your brain A LOT that is super important.
3. Smile.
Smile as much as you can and remind yourself that this will all be over soon.
4. Either you know the material or you don't.
So don't freak out if there is a section that you don't understand chances are it won't even be on the exam focus on perfecting your knowledge as a whole for the course, not just a specific chapter or question. You are a human, not a computer so you can't perfectly know it all!!
5. Try studying a week in advance.
the sooner you start to study the less you have to cram.
Finals are stressful enough do not torture yourself.
7. Eat healthy.
Do not skip a meal and remember to feed your body when needed, energy is important.
8. Take study breaks.
Go to the gym, take a walk, go run to target or do an hour of yoga. You need a break from time to time it will clear your mind and relax you so then you can dive right back into it after your break is over.
Good luck my little warriors.