Everyone knows that sticking to New Year's resolutions is hard so this post is going to help you to stick to your goals this year and stay on track.
1. You want itÂ
This has to be a goal that you are actually wanting. Too often we pick goals that are unattainable or things that we say but don't truly want and that's why we don't have them or do them yet. So pick something for you that you will and can do if you put in the work.
2. Pick something attainableÂ
Once you have your goal and it is written out you need to figure out a time frame of how you are going to complete it or fit that into your lifestyle. So pick something that is manageable and realistic for you.
3. Have a scheduleÂ
Be organized. What is it that you want to see get done or results to... Write it down... Schedule out your time. Nothing is going to happen if you don't plan for it.
4. Tell someone
This is so important because if you want to actually get something done, then go tell someone your goal. I think it is so important to be kept accountable for your goals. That person should be someone that you trust and that can check in on you. When you make this initiative to let someone know it makes you more accountable and "real" so, you will do what you are wanting to.
5. Start todayÂ
You can't say you will do it when _____ happens. This is baloney, I don't know how many times I have said this or heard this.
If you are going to do something you start it. This phrase = never going to happen.
6. Get through the first week
The first week is going to be the hardest. It is a struggle, whatever your goal is because if it wasn't then you would already be doing it. But, just remember that with patience and practice you will become better and it will become easier. It takes 21 days to form a habit!
7. If you mess up, keep goingÂ
If you make a mistake, you're human. Even though you are starting over get back into it
8. No saying "I'll start Monday."
This phrase is also a total trick. Start right away again. You can not keep telling yourself that you mess up and today is over. Pick up whatever that new year's goal is and keep going at it.