With midterms appearing right around the corner for most college students, "March Madness" is given a whole new meaning. The levels of stress and anxiety can peak around this time, when studying, working, and living can pile up quickly.
For those students whose stress and anxiety levels are going through a roller coaster this time in the semester, here are some tips to ease one's mind during midterms.
1. Acknowledging your surroundings
Whether it's walking to class or to grab a bite to eat, sometimes we are so focused on what needs to be done, or what has to be done, that we do not notice what is right in front of us. This is especially true if one is experiencing a stressful situation.
Instead of worrying all the way to the classroom, one can acknowledge what is happening around them. Maybe take note of a blooming tree or a building while walking to class, and focus on these objects each time you walk on campus.
This can work especially well on the days your midterm will take place, since being anxious doesn't increase your test scores.
2. Go early on day of test, don’t rush into test
The last thing you want is to be 10 minutes late to a midterm, or be unable to take your exam due to tardiness. Plan on getting to campus an hour before your first exam, to avoid any chance of being late
3. Keep a planner to jot down important dates and DO NOT miss midterm reviews!
A planner is essential in keeping up with important due dates for papers and tests, especially for midterms.
One thing to keep track of is the day that a professor will review the midterm since that is definitely a good time to know what is expected on the test.
4. Make sure to bring proper testing material; pen, pencil, blue book, scantron, etc.
It may sound simple, but with so much studying to do, it's easy to remember the simple things.
Before you leave your house, make sure to have pens, pencils, erasers, and any other test material that is required. It's too late to figure out you forgot a scantron when the test already started!
5. Make sure to form a study group; trade notes
Touch base with other classmates, by having their contact info in your phone. If you ever miss a class, make sure to contact a classmate to know what you missed.
Also, Make sure to meet up with your study group in order to make sure you have a grasp of the midterm material, and to catch up on any information you may have missed.
Studying on your own is a lot harder and more frustrating, so make sure to meet up with your classmates!
6. Realize that some things are just out of your control
Maybe you get deathly ill the night before an 8AM midterm or you have to work the entire weekend instead of studying for your exams.
It's important to understand that some things are out of your control, and the best thing to do is acknowledge it, and do your best to move forward.
If you have to go into an exam sick, at least email your professors about your situation, so they are aware of what's going on. They might actually make an exception.