In this highly divisive climate we live in, it seems that as that day approaches, everyone is firmly planted on one side of the "Valentine's discourse." For so many people, Valentine's Day is either a day where you celebrate love with your significant other, or a day for wallowing in your discontent with the entire holiday. But who says it has to be this way? If you find yourself falling into the second category and are feeling more dread than excitement about the upcoming holiday, there's a solution:
Make this Valentine's Day all about loving you!
If sitting in your bathrobe, eating ice cream, and watching rom-coms is really your ideal "single" Valentine's Day, that's all fine and good. However, this may not be the most helpful (or healthy) way to deal with your feelings about this holiday. If you're looking for alternatives for Valentine's Day 2020, look no further. Here's 3 ways to promote self-love and a healthy sense of self for being your own Valentine, on February 14th and beyond.
1) Try something new! Attend a cooking class, paint with watercolors, write a poem about something that catches your eye. Whether it's something you've been wanting to do for a while or it's a spur-of-the-moment decision, feel free on this day of (self) love to expand your horizons. Doing a new activity or starting a new hobby can be great for your mental health, and who knows? You may even enjoy it.
2) Make Valentine's Day a self-care day! Schedule a trip to the nail salon (or go for the at-home mani-pedi's if you're wanting to save money), buy some face masks (or look up how to make your own with ingredients around your house), or take a candle-lit bath with some exfoliating salts sprinkled in. There's plenty of ways to make this day one for relaxing and rejuvenating, and taking as much of the day as you can for your own relaxation can be beneficial for several days to come.
3) Spend the day with your friends! "Galentine's" Day has turned into quite the trend for the last several years (thanks "Parks and Rec!"), and it can be a great way to spend the holiday. Spending time with friends whose company you truly enjoy can be great for self-love; have a whole day with the people you like being around! Embarking on a road trip, going out for a fancy dinner, or even just staying in and playing board games are just a few of the many ways to have the best Galentine's Day with the friends who make you a better you.
Truly, these ideas are just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many alternatives to the stereotypical "single" Valentine's Day. There's absolutely no reason for it to be a day to be sad or lonely just because you might not have a significant other. Make February 14th a day all about you, for you, and you can cultivate the kind of self-love that lasts all year round.