We've got a long time to wait until Easter Sunday, so let’s make it count.
Don’t limit yourself to only one sacrifice.
Yes, I believe giving up junk food is a challenge, but let’s take it a step further and give up something that we really struggle with. Try giving up gossiping or saying bad words or putting yourself before others. That way, you won't just break off bad habits, but you'll also become a better person. It's a win-win, and I'm sure God will appreciate it more than your french fry sacrifice.
Cut back on your cellphone time.
According to digitaltrends.com, the average person spends a third of their entire day looking at their phone. Imagine if we pulled out a Bible instead of our phone every time we got bored. I’m not telling you to avoid social media completely, but just take a moment to realize all of the meaningful things you could be doing rather than watching senseless Facebook videos.
Don’t give up something just because it’ll benefit you.
It’s okay; I’m guilty of trying to kill two birds with one stone, too. It's easier to give up fattening foods when you have that weight goal in the back of your mind. But let’s not make this sacrifice about ourselves because that defeats the purpose of a sacrifice altogether. Instead of putting yourself first, think of how you can give yourself and your time to others this Lent.
Let God in.
Try and focus on God’s presence in your life instead of finding a million other things to distract you. He wants more than anything to be a part of your life, so stop shutting Him out. We both know you’re strong enough to fight off all of the evil distractions that this world puts in your way. Give yourself more credit.
Do something extra.
It’s nice to think that giving up sweets is enough, but is it bringing you closer to God? Do you see God every time you turn down dessert? If you do, that’s great, but odds are, you don’t. So let’s get up and do something about it. Let’s invite a new person to come to church or save up the money we aren’t spending on sweets to give to a homeless person. The options are endless.
Take time to realize what you’re grateful for.
We all tend to dwell on the stress and the negativity in our lives, but there are countless things to be thankful for. So let's not let our worries take control of us, and let’s try to make an effort to pause every once in a while and thank God for everything that he has blessed us with. Just take a deep breath and smile. I promise the pros of this life will overshadow the cons if you let them.
Pick up your cross and keep going.
None of us are perfect, and we all carry our faults wherever we go. But all of those imperfections make us human and they shouldn't lead us off track. No one ever said that the journey would be easy, but I promise you, if you choose to follow the right path, then your cross will be lifted off your shoulders.