Whether you like the rain or not, it's finally springtime, which means the ceaseless downpour of rain showers. Along with the blooming tulips, a true sign of spring, comes the the neverending rain, washing away all the dryness and achiness of winter. I know in college, when you wake up late on a Saturday and you look outside your window to cloudy skies and a blanket of wet mist, you immediately want to jump back into bed and you have every right to do so. Saturdays are a day for rest, but they are also the one day in the week where your not obligated to do homework. So for those who want to know how they can make the most out of their rainy Saturday, read below to find out some ideas!
1) It is kind of obvious but go to a cafe.
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Nothing is more appealing that sitting in a warm cafe sipping on a cup of cappuccino, while looking outside at the rain. Go with a friend and talk about life. Maybe bring your journal and doodle down some ideas.
2) Snap a quick artsy photo.
Depending on how much it's raining, if there's a break in the rain find a cool wall and take a quick artsy photo. It's ok to get a little wet. The more candid the better. (P.S Overcast weather provides the best lighting for photos)
3) Paint someone's face.
If you get tired of sitting blankly in front of the TV, I have a great alternative: paint someone's face. From personal experience, it's a fun social activity where the possibilities are endless and you don't need any elaborate face paint. The majority of my friend's face is wet eye shadow that I blended on her skin with a brush. You can easily get sparkly eye liner and outrageous lipstick colors at Ulta or even Walgreens. Don't forget to document your art!
4) Body art is cool as well.
If your painting someones face, you might as well give them some cool body art. I used a white eye liner stick and drew swirly abstract lines on her arms. I also added a pop of cerise pink on her top eyes with a splash of yellow on the bottom.
5) Take a nap.
It's kind of mandatory on an overcast rainy day.
6) Collage.
I know for a fact every girl has magazines in her room, pilled under her bed or stashed away in her closet that "she hasn't gotten to reading yet." Pull those out and start cutting out clothing, models, and accessories you like and create and mishmash of images.
8) Go to Target.
Target is the perfect store to visit on a rainy day. I never leave without buying anything. If you're a college student, than you know exactly what I mean.
7) Eat some ice cream while pampering your self.
Treat yourself after a long rainy day with a spa night. Cuddle up in your pj's with a face mask on or some cooling moisturizer and savor in the delicious taste of your favorite ice cream!
8) Watch a rom-com.
End your productive yet rainy day with a classic rom com. Love Actually is always a great one!
A day spent truly well!