I think a lot of us are already stressed out by college. When we try so hard to ace all of our classes, we suffer from burnout. Mastering in college is all about balancing fun and work. It's true, you can actually enjoy college without being stressed by schoolwork. Here's eight ways how:
1. Study every day
I know this sounds pretty obvious. I can't help but emphasize how important studying every day is. Although most students work, I think many of us are actually able to work incredibly under pressure through simple ways like continuing readings on our way to work/school in buses or subways! I have been doing this so far and it works. Just make a little room for studying every day, even if you only have 40 minutes. Make use of your library, form study groups and make sure you study a little before you go to bed. Fun fact: Studying before sleep can actually help you remember things better. Hence, studying every day makes you a better prepared and successful student.
2. Avoid "I am too stressed-out!" mentality
A lot of us love to brag about how stressful school has been. Of course, we're stressed! However, our mentality of how we perceive things is crucial in being successful. If we keep thinking that we're too stressed out, we start believing that, and it makes us feel more stressed than we actually are! If you have taken psychology classes, I think you might have an idea of what I'm trying to convey here. If you are too stressed out, then you seriously need to take a break. Learn to manage time and handle stress so that you don't burn out. Believe me, stress is everywhere. How do you manage stress? Now that is the question.
3. Choosing courses that fit YOU the best
Here's the thing, if you are very poor in math, then it should make sense why mathematics major might not be for you. Many people drop out of their classes for many reasons, and this is the most popular one. I encourage you to follow your passion because I believe that is what brings out the best in you. However, I also want you to remember that you can be successful in anything as long as you stay motivated and focused.
4. Rate my professor
Yup, let's take a moment to thank the guy who created such a life-saving website for college students. If you need to seriously bump up your GPA, you can do yourself a favor by searching your potential professor's reviews before registering for the class. Let's just admit that some professors are tough graders, while a few are just not the kind of professors we'd like to have.
5. First priority = health
It's easy to binge on an unhealthy diet when you're a busy college student away from home. I mean, that seems the most convenient way to relax after a long tiring day at school and work. It is important to keep your health in check because being healthy helps you perform better at school or even at life. Try exercising every day and google various ways to de-stress. Thank god for Google...
6. Socialize with everyone
I hate this, but I do it anyway. You'll have to socialize not only with your classmates but also with your professors. This helps you in the long run. If you're an introvert like me, it's time to introduce yourself to your neighbors in class. Professors want you to succeed and when you talk to them about your performance, they can help and advice you to make sure you score an A. So yeah, just socialize.
7. Get involved on campus
If you didn't participate in any college events last semester, then you need to do so this semester! You can find part-time campus jobs, research assistant jobs or interesting clubs. You not only get to improve your interpersonal and leadership skills but also develop your networking skills. You can also build up your resume! Everybody knows how important networking is. Lastly, participate in class. Participation points make up 5-20 percent of your grade in many classes.
8. Have faith in yourself and have fun!
Pray to God every day if you need to. Believe in yourself because you are not alone. All of us are working hard to make our ends meet, so pull up your socks and enjoy life. Make time for a night out with friends on Fridays, bake cupcakes on weekends, watch your favorite movies, dance and have fun. Push aside your books and make time for you and your family.