- Tell someone: Tell friends and those you trust about what happened. Do not keep it to yourself. It will grow too heavy on your heart.
- Feel: Allow yourself to feel sad and angry. Cry. If you don't feel or accept something, you will never get over it.
- Keep your distance: Don't contact them. Focus on yourself and stay off their social media profiles.
- Listen to music: Listen to your favorite songs, make a playlist of happy songs and motivating songs, dance in your room.
- Go to work: Don't stay in bed all day. Go to work, school and tend to any other responsibilities you have. It might be the hardest thing you've ever done, it will probably take every ounce of your strength and you might cry throughout the day but you have to. Not only will these things distract you, it will also ensure that you won't get stuck in a rut.
- Take care of yourself: You might not have much of an appetite but do your best to eat, even if it's just one meal. Drink a lot of water, especially if you're crying a lot. Shower and stay clean. Keep up with your self care routine, in fact, enhance it. Use a facial mask you've never used before, paint your nails, take a long shower.
- Listen to yourself: Some days will be better than others. There will be days where you want to be around friends, go to a party or stay out late. Other days you might want to stay home and watch netflix alone.
- Go outside: Take a walk, sit in your yard. The fresh air is good for you. The trees, squirrels, sun and stray cats will remind you of how beautiful and delicate life is.
- Dig for positivity: Ask your friends, coworkers or even strangers about their lives. They might tell you about their new job, passions or about their significant other. It will be hard at first to hear these things but after a bit of envy, it will feel very good to hear about the happiness in other people's lives, especially if they're people you care about.
- Get more help: If you are feeling really anxious, depressed or thinking about hurting yourself, seek help from a professional. This can be a school counselor, help hotline or therapist. Don't feel ashamed, we go to the doctor for physical pain, emotional pain is valid too.
- Write: Write about what you're feeling. The good and bad parts too. This is very relieving, especially if you write about something you feel like you can't or don't want to tell anyone.
- Get back: Start up a new hobby or rekindle an old hobby. Yoga, art, a sport. Get back into it and pursue it with more passion than ever before.
- Laugh: A lot and don't feel guilty about it. Watch funny shows, videos, joke with people around you and make other people laugh.
- Remember: At one point in your life, you did not have this person. You can and will survive without them. Get to know and love yourself.
RelationshipsJan 26, 2020
How to Make Sure That Your Break Up Doesn't Break You
It will definitely feel like the end of the world, but don't let it be.