How To Make Steak Au Poivre | The Odyssey Online
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How To Make Steak Au Poivre

This is seriously the best steak dish ever!

How To Make Steak Au Poivre

This is the steak recipe you need in your life. I have never been taken back and impressed with myself after I created this dish. It's simple, relatively quick, and tastes amazing! It's basically a steak sauce made from heavy cream and cognac giving the dish an overall savory flavor. This is a spinoff of Alton Brown's recipe.

What You Will Need:

- 2 New York Strips (1-inch thickness)

- 1 cup Heavy Cream

- Salt, to taste

- 2 tablespoons whole black peppercorn

- 1-2 tablespoons Vegetable oil

- 1/3 cup of Cognac (such as Hennessey)


First, you want to remove the steaks from the fridge and bring them up to room temperature. You then want to roughly crack the whole peppercorns. This can be achieved by hitting the peppercorns between two pans or with a mortar and pestle. Then add salt to your New York strips and cover every side of the meat in the freshly cracked peppercorn.

In a medium skillet over medium heat, add 1-2 tablespoons of the vegetable oil so the strips won't stick to the pan. Then sear the meat for 5 minutes on each side for a medium-well steak. Once cooked, removed the steaks from the pan and turn the heat off.

Remove the pan from the source of fire and add the cognac. Burn off the alcohol by carefully igniting the alcohol with a long match for firestick. Then once the flames are gone, return the pan to medium heat and add the heavy cream. Whisk the cream for 5 to 6 minutes until the sauce thickens and coats the back of the spoon. Then add the steaks back to the pan and baste in the cream sauce.

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