In today's world, people just aren't as kind as they used to be. I always see comments on Facebook where people share a video of someone doing something kind and they say, "my faith in humanity is restored." It's sad because our "faith in humanity" should have never been lost. After you read this article, I hope you'll go out and be kind to someone. It might just make their day.
1. Holding The Door Open
Now this might sound silly, but it's an easy one! It amazes me how some people can't take two seconds out of their day just to hold the door open for someone else. It's quick and simple. Hold that door open with a smile and you might just get one in return!
2. Asking How Someone Is Doing
This one is a no brainier. I always love it when someone asks me how my day is going! Even though my day might not be going as planned, it's great to know that someone cares even to just check up on me. I actually tend to struggle with this because I am a very shy person. I am starting to do it more often because I realize just how it might change someone's mood. You never know what someone is going through, and you asking them that simple question might spark a conversation.
3. Buying a Stranger's Food
I know this sounds crazy, but just hear me out. Jesus called us to be loyal and to treat others how we wish to be treated. "Give to others and God will give to you." As I said, you never know what someone could be going through. Just as you don't know if they're struggling to buy groceries for their children. Who knows? They may not be, but take that chance. Skip your daily coffee trip and bring a packed lunch to work. Use that money to go buy a stranger's meal. You might just be helping someone in need.
4. Carrying Groceries
I always see older people struggling to put their groceries in the car. If you have a free hand, then go help them out. It will show them that someone cares. Heck, if you feel like it, take all their groceries to their vehicle for them! This is an easy way to not only make someone's day, but it's a way to make a task easier for someone else.
5. Praying With Them
I saved this one for last because it's my favorite, and it's also the hardest. There are so many people that we come in contact each and every day. We never know if they are believers or not. As Christians, we are called to make disciples. If you meet a stranger on the street, at the coffee shop, or even at Walmart, start a conversation with them and ask if you can pray with them. You might get struck down but you tried. In this, you will not only make someone's day, but you could possibly change their life for the better.
Thank you for reading my first article! After reading this I hope I have inspired you to go out and make someone's day! Now go and be kind!