Failed a test? Dumped by the boyfriend? Forgot about your paper due tomorrow? Eating way too more fries than is acceptable? Lost your favorite earring? God, some weeks just suck, don’t they? Believe me… been there, done that.
So, what now? Are you just going to be depressed until by some act of God your life finally turns itself around? While I can admit that sometimes things just need time, I am here to ensure everyone that more of your life is in your control than you would think.
I am a psychology major, so as my closest friends will tell you, I often like to pretend that makes me a professional psychologist. My go-to advice? Positive thoughts, positive outcomes. Sometimes, you just have to tell yourself that today is going to be your day, no matter what life throws at you. As my dad always says, great days do not just happen you have to make them happen.
1. Listen to Taylor Swift
I do not care if you don’t think you’re a fan. Try it. She will fix any and all moods you find yourself in. I’m currently blaring Sparks Fly at 2:30 am as I write this.
2. Call a bestie
For me, this can be a wide variety of people. Just the other night, it was my brother, Jack, but many have fallen victim to my 1 am rants. Just find people who are going to make you laugh at your worst.
3. Take a study break
I know a lot of the time the problem is school stress. It might be tempting to just keep working, thinking that will make the problem go away. Sometimes, though, you just have to let your brain breathe.
4. Watch TV
If your life isn’t going as planned, watch someone’s life who is. Or watch someone have an even more unfortunate day than you, that can work too.
5. Go to the gym
I know, I know. Who wants to leave bed when you’re having a bad day? But sometimes running it off can help a lot.
6. Treat yourself to some really great food
I always want food when I’m sad. Recently, it’s fries (look above), but I have gone through ice cream, pizza, and Sour Patch Watermelons phases as well.
7. Laugh
It can be at the smallest, most trivial thing ever. It can be