It can be so easy to feel uninspired, unenthusiastic, and unmotivated to peruse the things you've always dreamed of because life doesn't seem to be going right for you. If you feel like this, then making a vision broad can be an amazing tool to attract what you want most. A vision board works with The Law of Attraction, the belief that If you invest your mental energy into the things you want, then in return you will materialize them into reality. Here are three simple ways you can design a vision board that will manifest your life's goals.
1. Ask yourself what you desire most in life
It can whatever you want, whether it be more money, a good job, a relationship, peace of mind, your ideal future home, or new travel destinations.
2. Pick images that promote positive emotion
imagine how you would feel if you had you had the certain things you wanted. Think about what you would do with the money, what you would do in your relationship, the kind of work you do at your job, or what it feels like to be loved.
3. Assemble and place it where you will see it everyday
Admire your board but don't try to make it perfect. Put the positive thoughts and emotions out into the universe and leave it at that, you don't need to be constantly worrying over if you are "manifesting right". It's about what you put into it because that is what you will get out of it, so it can work against you if you are always thinking "I'll never be able to get that job" or I'll never look that attractive". Instead, pay attention to the process. Be patient and you will see when opportunities are presented to you.