The New Year is just around the corner and you know what that means, New Year’s resolutions. How many people actually stick to their #newyearnewme resolutions after a March? Heck, who even starts their resolutions?! Trying to do things that are better for yourself isn’t always easy and isn’t always fun, but with a little bit of preparation it doesn’t have to be so bad.
1. Buy yourself some cute active clothes.
Without a doubt the biggest New Year’s resolution is to become more active. While this may be the biggest resolution of all time it is also the biggest broken resolution of all time. Go out and buy yourself some cute workout clothes. If you have the proper clothes in your closet and you feel good wearing them it will make going to the gym just a little bit easier!
2. Meal prep, meal prep, meal prep
The other resolution that goes hand in hand with being more active is eating better. It is pretty much unheard of to say you’re going to be more active without saying your also going to start eating better. Everyone has crazy busy lives so that makes eating healthy hard, but if you take some time out of your day on Sunday to meal prep eating healthy will be a breeze. Meal prep is something I am still trying to get a hang of because for me I can’t eat the same thing 10 times a week, just no! I have been reading and doing some research on meal prep and there are plenty of ways out there to do all your meal prep on Sunday (or whatever day of the week you like) and still have variety during the week!
3. Set a budget before the end of 2016
Saving money and spending less, I would say, is the second biggest New Year’s Resolution. This is always a hard one because life happens. Life gets in the way of being able to save money. If you follow my meal prep tip that you should be able to save some money on eating out or fast food! Do a small 52 week savings plan. You can find many different yearly savings plans online to give you a guideline on how much to save per week to get the outcome you like. Get your finances in order and just try to put a dollar or two aside every paycheck and it will add up quicker than you think.
4. Keep a positive attitude, no matter what
Enjoying life is always a must!! Life can get hard and it will knock you down a couple of times, but it is how you get back up from those situations that define you. Often times it is easy to say ugh forget it and just walk around with a bad attitude about everything, but what you really need to do is stop complaining and think positive thoughts. I am aware that just by thinking positive thoughts life won’t be all roses and butterflies but it will be better than the alternative. If you try to keep a positive attitude and smile on your face you day will be a little bit better I promise you, and there is no time like a new year to start really enjoying your life! Make this year count as a good one!!