It's no secret that long-distance relationships (LDR) are difficult, but there are certain things that can make them easier or harder. These are a few tips I have for any couples trying to make it work from a long ways away.
1. Play games!
I'm not saying you should play mental games, because that is a huge no-no! I mean actual games. Get online and play checkers, join a clan in Clash of Clans together, log onto xbox live!
Not only do games provide fun for both of you from a distance, but it gives you something to discuss.
A gaming app I definitely recommend for couples in an LDR is Plato. It works on Apple and Android and has a variety of games that even a beginning gamer can enjoy.
2. Video chat every chance you get.
The main downside to a LDR is you don't get to see your significant other, but the negativity of this can be diminished if you make good use of video-chat.
You can use Facebook messenger on your phone or computer, which is my personal favorite, but classics like Skype work just as well.
3. Prioritize communication.
With the video chat component having been said, communication in any form is absolutely vital to surviving a LDR. It's so easy to have misunderstandings that fester into full-blown disasters when you're not having a face-to-face conversation, so this is when Skype comes in really handy.
Make sure you're taking time to genuinely talk to your significant other every day. So many LDRs fail simply because the couple grows apart because they don't set aside a special time to catch up with their sweetheart. Don't let this be you! Communicate!
4. Trust.
I can not stress this enough; your LDR is 100% doomed if you do not trust your significant other with your whole entire heart.
LDRs do not allow you to see what your partner is doing all of the time. You have no idea who your partner is talking to, what they're up to, or how they're living besides the small slice you see through your screen or hear about on the other end of a phone. Because of this, you need to be completely sure you trust your partner, even more so than you do someone close by.
5. Visit your partner every chance you get.
If the opportunity arises to see your beloved, absolutely take it. For some lucky LDRs, this may be every weekend, while for others it may be years.
Those visits will be cherished and remind you that you're ultimately working towards the goal of no longer being in a LDR. Even a very short visit can be enough to revive a relationship that hasn't been doing so well. Sometimes, you just need a reminder of why all of the pain is worth it!