When we think about where we want to be at in our life and what we want to be doing around a certain age, we all think of the same universal plan.
When you are in high school you are preparing for college, when you are in college you are planning for your future job, when you are a college graduate you plan your financial situation, family and so on. This keeps going as if it is a step-by-step guide that we have to follow to end up at whatever our final destination may be.
Maybe you are striving for excellence, happiness, or success; yet, whatever it is, you feel as if you must check off all the boxes of life in order to obtain that goal. Sound about right?
Life doesn't work that way and it has never worked that way.
You need to trust your instincts and what feels right for you to really decide what path you want to take in your life. No two people become happy or successful by living the exact same life. Happiness and success for you mean something completely different than it does for someone else.
Stop working so hard to make society and everyone around you feel good and work to make yourself feel good. You have one life to live for yourself so choose to center it around love, happiness, and success.
And all of that sounds great and all but now you are starting to feel selfish, right? Don't.
When you are taking care of yourself and doing well for yourself, you are in return benefiting other people.
If you are living your best life then you are living the best life for everyone around you. If you are only worried about your opinion then you have more time to see that we are all human and we should have compassion for everyone. One of your goals will start to be building others up instead of breaking them down to get ahead of them.
When you break someone else down, you use energy that could be used for bettering yourself to do something that's going to end up harming you and another person. Only put forth energy into doing good things.
When you live to bring yourself joy and represent yourself as a unique individual on this planet you become a role model to others and an inspiration to whoever relates to you. We are all unique on our own but best together. When you start taking care of your needs and beliefs, others will realize they want to take care of their needs and beliefs as well.
Make the world around you be the situation you want to live.
You will get to wherever you want to be in life if you make your own plan instead of using other peoples plans as a guideline. Make your life plan the one you want to follow.