How to lighten Dark inner thighs naturally | The Odyssey Online
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How to lighten Dark inner thighs naturally

Check out the simple DIY steps to lighten dark inner thighs using natural ingredients

How to lighten Dark inner thighs naturally

As with other things, a woman takes cognizance of her body, especially areas that are more pronounced. The body reacts to various processes that take place in it and these reactions can sometimes be manifested outwardly and can be a source of concern to the woman. Having dark inner thighs is not a health issue, however, it can be embarrassing. Imagine not being able to rock that bikini because of a darker skin tone on your inner thighs. As a part of the body that some people ignore, the inner thighs are exposed to factors that can result in hyperpigmentation, causing a darker skin tone in that area. Some of them include chafing, mostly occurring in obese women, when walking the thighs tend to rub against each other, darkening the skin tone. Excessive sweating in the area, hormonal imbalance during pregnancy, menstruation, lactation, and in cases of polycystic ovarian syndrome. This is just to name a few, as there are other causes of dark inner thighs.

When it comes to skincare products, some women prefer those made from natural sources or homemade therapies. This is understandable because of the skin sensitivity in some women, and having to try out Over the counter products might seem to be a risk they are unwilling to take. Certain homemade remedies for lightening the skin tone of the inner thighs have proven to be effective and you can try them out.

Some studies have shown that Aleo vera can have great lightening and rejuvenating properties, help with hyperpigmentation, giving a lighter skin tone to your inner thighs. Rub Aleo vera gel which is extracted from the Aleo vera plant, gently on the dark areas, massage, and rinse off with warm water. This can be done 2-3 times a day.

Lemon is packed with vitamin c which acts as a bleaching or whitening agent. It also has exfoliating properties, getting rid of skin impurities. Lemon juice can be used alone by rubbing it on the inner thighs and leaving it for about 20 minutes, after which it can be clean up using a wet cloth. You can also try out several formulations with the lemon juice to give this lightening effect. It can be mixed with few teaspoons of coconut oil and applied to the dark area.

Coconut oil can help moisturize your skin, making it soft and supple. You can also mix one teaspoon of raw honey and one teaspoon of sugar to lemon juice to make a scrub. Apply and scrub for about 10 minutes, then wash in warm water after which you moisturize.

Orange peel also has exfoliating properties. When dried and grounded into powder, it can be made into a paste by mixing it with 2 teaspoons of rose water and honey, then you gently apply on your inner thighs. Leave it for about 15-20 minutes then wash it off with cold water.

Lactic acid has mild bleaching properties and it is a major component of yogurt. Apply yogurt on your inner thigh once every day for about 15 minutes and rinse it off with warm water.

These remedies as well as other such as sugar scrub, almonds and oatmeal can be used to give your inner thigh a lighter skin tone with no side effects as with the use of some over the counter treatments. Try them out, don't risk that embarrassment and rock your bikini the way you want it.

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