"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Psalm 139:14
Some people in this world are always going to have something to say about you behind your back, not know what you mean when you try to say something, judge you from someone else's perspective or even their own because they think they know you. They'll try to steal your thunder, one-up you, cut you down, point out your wrongs, and hate you for everything you have. Then there's a few that stay true. But ultimately it is out of our control. We can't depend on people to carry us through life. We can only make the decision to give it to God and know that he has already overcome everything the world tries to throw at us. When you're living for him and not for anyone else or yourself, you'll find supernatural assurance in being stable throughout your whole life. No matter what the circumstance may be. We don't need confirmation from people on how well we're doing. All that matters is what God wants you to do and what you're doing to achieve that. Nobody needs to see your progress or assume that you haven't made any just because they haven't heard from you. It is nobody's darn business but you and Gods.
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:1-2
On the flip side, you cannot limit people by what you know or hear about them. Do not seek knowledge and direction from others, seek God for any and all guidance. Only receive knowledge as it comes from others spiritually and from those who can relate. You can protect your heart by listening, but do not share everything you know just to be heard. Share your knowledge when you know God has put you in that position. And at that time, people will listen.
Through all of the haters, fake friends, great friends, strangers, and even family you have one primary goal and that is to focus on the truth about who you are spiritually on the inside. In the book "The True Measure of a Woman" by Lisa Bevere she says, "I wanted God's truth, not excuses; not even for myself. This would mean peeling away some layers, like the dry and dirty outer skin of an onion—layer after layer of misconception and bad information until I found some pure truth." Couldn't have said it better myself Lisa. If you stay grounded in Christ, peel back all of what today's world cakes on your outer shell, then you will be full of joy and ready to conquer every single day with complete confidence while fulfilling the beautiful dream that God has called you to follow.
As for everyone and their monkey's dealing with all the negative people out there, just smile back real big and kill them with kindness.