If I've known one real man so far in my life, it's the man who knew how to let me down easy after I told him that I've liked him since the day we first met (and no, he didn't actually feel the same way). However, he handled the situation so well and so maturely, I just couldn't go without sharing six reasons why. So, men, if you've got a woman in your life who you're preparing to let down easy but aren't exactly sure how to do it, then this article is definitely one worth reading.
1. Tell her how you really feel, and be straightforward about it.
One of the reasons why I'll always appreciate the way my crush let me down is that he didn't give me some basic excuse as to why he didn't feel the same way. Instead, he literally told me the truth: We just don't click. Despite the pain that came with hearing that, I really did admire his honesty.
2. Be as positive as you can throughout the entire conversation.
From the moment he found out how I felt about him over the phone, my crush was exceptionally calm and positive with me from start to finish. His tone didn't change, nor did he say anything to make me feel even worse. Instead, he just stayed upbeat and made sure to console and make me laugh without showing any signs of awkwardness whatsoever.
3. Reassure her that you still want to keep in contact.
This honestly depends on how attached she is to you. In other words, if she's pretty much obsessed with you, then you might want to refrain from misleading her even further. But reassuring her that you'll probably see her around campus will help her to feel a lot better knowing that you still want to be friends with her.
4. Act as if nothing has changed between the two of you.
Even though he knew how I truly felt about him, my crush proceeded to talk to me just like we always have. Sure, we spent some time discussing my feelings for him, but then we just continued talking like two good friends again.
5. Let her know you're okay with her feeling how she feels.
At one point, I told my crush I was sorry for telling him me feelings. He simply responded with, "It's okay. It's nothing to be ashamed about. These things happen, and I appreciate you for being honest with me." I mean, is he a fantastic guy, or what?!
6. Give her one last parting gift to make her smile.
Whether it's one last hug, fist pump, or an inside joke, she'll really appreciate it. My crush sent me a picture of his cat, and it really made me feel better knowing that he still sees me as a good friend and isn't going to let that go to waste.