Thinking of installing solar panels? What's expensive yet beneficial in more than one way raises a lot of questions.
One, in particular, is this right for you?
Check out our guide below to know if solar is right for you.
Consider the Weather Conditions
If it's constantly snowing and barely any sunlight for days at a time, solar panels may not be for you. Places that are constantly dark don't allow for much sunlight.
Snow, on the other hand, prevent the panels from absorbing the sunlight. If it's snowy and sunny, there's not much to worry about as the sun will melt the snow.
See if There Are Incentives
Yes, you can actually receive tax deductions because of solar panels. Every state and region is different so be sure to research possible incentives.
Know Your Roof
Just by looking at your roof, you'll be able to tell if you're a good candidate. A south or west-facing roof is best as it'll absorb the most sunlight. There also shouldn't be a lot of shadows from neighboring trees and other objects.
To truly tell if solar panels is for you, having a solar company come out to evaluate your roof is a good idea.