How To Kill People In Hitman: Part One | The Odyssey Online
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How To Kill People In Hitman: Part One

Want to learn how to kill people? Here's how!

How To Kill People In Hitman: Part One
The Hitman Twitter account

Killing has never been so much fun!

With the release of Hitman, the sixth release in the series of the same name, we see another good game. After the somewhat disappointing Hitman: Absolution, the creators took what was good about Absolution and brought us back to Hitman: Blood Money. The gameplay is better with the bonus of having gigantic sandbox levels. No loading screens, just large, open areas to murder people.

In the Hitman series, you play as Agent 47, a superhuman clone with heightened speed and strength. The game follows 47 across the world as he assassinates crime lords, drug dealers, and terrorists. The great thing about assassinating people in the game is the variety of kills. You can be as sneaky as you want or go in guns blazing, but the game pushes you to be as stealthy as possible. You can choose to kill the targets the old fashioned boring way (sniper rifle, garrote, poison). On the other hand, each level offers creative options of execution.

Example: In a previous game, you are tasked with assassinating an opera singer. The hit takes place in the Paris Opera House, where the singer is performing Tosca. The game gives you the option of replacing a prop gun with a real gun. Then you can sit back and watch as the actor playing an executioner unknowingly shoots the target for you.

Since Absolution, the game issues challenges to the player for each level. They range from gathering weapons and outfits to how to kill the targets. Your first target is Kalvin Ritter, an international jewel thief. You must sneak onto his yacht and kill him. So now we’re going to look at the creative kills for this starter/tutorial mission.

1. Classic Hitman

Okay, technically, this isn’t a creative kill, but it is old school. Ritter is meeting with a potential client, Terry Norfolk, for the first time. After sneaking onto the boat, find yourself a crew member. I would recommend the one on Deck 00, because its located near the rat poison. Grab both and quickly head up to Deck 01, to the main bar. After hearing Ritter tell the bartender to prepare a drink for Norfolk, walk over and put rat poison in the drink in front of you (Oddly enough, this isn’t a big deal.) After watching Norfolk chug the drink and run off to the bathroom, follow him in. Close the door behind you and subdue him, take his outfit, and stuff him in the nearby closet. Go up to Deck 02 and speak to Ritter, who escorts you to his office. When his back is turned to you in the office, strangle him with a garrote and store him in the office bathroom. Then leave.

2. Ironic

Want to streamline this hit more? Follow the instructions above, but avoid poisoning Norfolk. Instead, head straight up to Deck 02, where Ritter is talking to his wife. His drink is out in the open, so walk over and poison his drink. When he proceeds to run off and vomit in the public bathroom, follow him. Again, close the door behind you and proceed to drown Ritter in the toilet. After hiding his body in the nearby bathroom closet, get off the boat.

3. Only In Emergency Situations

Sneak onto the boat dressed as Yacht Security and head up to Deck 03. On top is a helicopter, a lone guard, and a life raft. The raft happens to be hanging over where Ritter stands on Deck 02. Knock out the guard, grab the nearby crowbar, and unhook the raft. The raft proceeds to tumble down and kill Ritter. Turn around and jump into the helicopter.

4. Pay That Stuntman A Bonus

Basically, this is almost the same as #1. At the start of the mission, grab the bomb sitting in front of you. Follow the directions of #1 until you end up in the office together. After you’re both inside, plant the bomb on the wall behind him. After vaulting out the nearby window, hit the button and blow up Ritter. Then get off the boat.

Well guys, have fun murdering people. See you next week for the next mission.

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