I know I'm not the only one who promised to get my life together this semester. But once it actually starts, it gets pretty overwhelming and there are too many things to do at once, so we usually end up doing nothing.
Here are some little things that you can do to make you feel more productive than you actually are:
1. Find time to do SOME type of exercise.
It's hard to block out an hour and a half to go to the gym and do a full workout. But if you can find 15 minutes to do an ab workout and some squats or take a quick walk, it can make a big difference. My floormates and I have started doing yoga in the hallway at night and it's fun and beneficial.
2. Carry a reusable water bottle with you.
I never hydrate unless I have a water bottle right next to me. If a water bottle is in a convenient place, you're so much more likely to use it. Just putting a water bottle in your backpack and filling it up at meals can improve your hydration level immensely, which helps with clear skin, digestion and so many other things.
3. Hand-write your notes.
Professors always say this and it's true: hand-writing your notes in class can help you remember them better, and you can spend less time studying them later!
4. Get out of your room!
Instead of going back to your room during your two-hour break between classes and taking a nap, go to the library or to a coffee shop. You can spend your time during the day (when you already have to be awake) finishing your homework so you can relax guilt-free later.
5. Start journaling.
I'm really bad at this myself, but sometimes I get in a mood where I need to get all my feelings out at once and journaling always makes me feel better. Also, having your feeling and goals down on paper can make you more accountable because then they're not just in your head.
6. Donate clothes you don't wear.
Getting rid of the clutter in your closet is a small thing but can make a big difference. It can save you time getting ready in the morning and will make it easier to clean up and do laundry.
7. Clean your room.
There's something about aesthetics that makes me be more productive. That's why people go to cute coffee shops to work or study. If your room is clean, you'll probably feel less stressed and more productive. There are a ton of psychological studies about it.
8. List out your assignments.
I get super overwhelmed sometimes when I have a ton of stuff to do, and it can feel like the whole world is crashing down on you, but if you write down what you have to do and when, odds are it's not as much as it feels like.
9. Set goals.
This is something people do in moments of motivation but rarely actually follow through on. If this sounds like you, make smaller goals that are actually achievable so that you're more likely to follow through.
10. Wake up earlier & make your bed.
This isn't my type of thing because I love my sleep, but starting your day intentionally and early can encourage you to get things done. Making your bed goes with the clean your room thing.
11. Stay busy.
I'm guilty of not doing this because I like my Netflix time, but staying busy is good for general mood. Meet up with some friends, finish your homework early, go on a walk, get out and do something!