Are you convinced that you can create an incredibly popular product that can change people's lives? Do not wait! Follow these simple steps to realize your invention and promote it on the market.
Throw down some ideas.
The first step in creating a truly unique and useful product is to put all your ideas on the table. Consider your area of expertise - what are you most interested in and what do you know best? To invent something from scratch to a finished product, you will not be able to operate outside your area of expertise. If not, you may have a good idea but not be able to turn it into reality.
For each activity or object that interests you, create a sub-list of possible improvements that you could implement in the form of an invention. You can include variations of the product or activity or useful additions.
Create an abundant list. It's better to have too many ideas than too few, so keep stretching the list until you can think of nothing else.
Always keep a diary with you, to constantly add new items to your list of possible inventions. Keeping all the invention ideas organized in a single notebook will also help you get clearer ideas and review your insights later. Do not be in a hurry at this stage of the process. Inspiration may not come right away, and it may take weeks or months before you get the winning idea.
Choose an idea.
When you have spent some time considering all the possible options, choose the best invention that you have devised. Now you will have to go to the evaluation of the details of the project. Draw some proofs of the prototype of your invention, and then consider some important issues.
What could you add to improve your product? What is it that makes your invention so special that people are conquered? Why is your invention so exceptional?
Think about the changes you could make. Which parts of your invention are superfluous or not needed? Is there a way to make it more efficient or cheaper?
Consider all aspects of your invention, including required parts, and the most important details of how it works or what it does. Keep these answers and these ideas in your diary so you can review them later.
Research your invention.
When you feel confident about your idea and have made all the necessary changes, research it to make sure it is truly unique. If you have already patented a product like yours, you will not be able to produce it in series and you will not be able to patent it in turn. Search online for new brands that describe your invention. If you've already thought about the name of your creation, look for it too, to make sure it's not already in use.
Visit the stores that offer products similar to your invention. Look for products similar to yours on the shelves, and ask the shop assistants if they have such products for sale. Visit a local Patent Office. Here, you can search through patents to search for inventions like yours. Request a professional patent search to verify that there is not really an invention similar to yours on the market.