Survive the Jungle of Internet Dating Sites | The Odyssey Online
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Survive the Jungle of Internet Dating Sites

How to Use Dating Sites

Survive the Jungle of Internet Dating Sites
Derrick Sobers

The Golden Rules of Dating Sites

Does this describe you? You're a honest person looking for someone that will appreciate you for the wholesome person you are and what you are willing to bring to the table to have a successful, healthy relationship. You don't want to play any games, just want a partner to do their fair share. So due to any various number of reasons ( schedule, friends, curiosity) you decide to make a profile on a free dating site to see what's out there. A couple of rules to give you the best chance at success.

Take everyone's pictures at face value:

Checking out the pictures is most likely the first things you will check out. If you don't like the way someone looks, why bother. But too many times people get caught up using pictures as "expectations of what someone looks like right now." Assuming someone looks like the stud/model they look like in their pics is just setting yourself up for failure. Why? Everyone uploads the most perfect, photogenic, and beautiful pictures of themselves (you can't blame them, the point is to look your best). The reality is that most people do not look like their pictures. People gain weight, lose weight, age, and some flat out lie about the way they look. Best way to make sure you know exactly who you're talking to? Video chat!!!! (besides meeting them in person of course) Real time video streaming is not only the best way to make sure you're ok with the way they ACTUALLY look, but it's a great way to get a feel for their character. Which is kind of more important than how they look, especially if you're looking for a serious relationship.

Accept that people are going to waste your time

You know the saying "open up your heart?" Not in the jungle of dating sites. Be skeptical of everyone. Social but skeptical. Everyone is going to say they want the same things as you in the beginning. It usually doesn't take long to see people's intentions through what they say and how they say it... As long as you aware of such signs. Expect for every 10 promising people you talk to one, one will be there after two weeks. Don't look forward to finding love on dating sites, look at it as a way to pass time and not take it too seriously. You'll just get let down.

Media stalking saves lives!

Let's say the conversation is going good and you are opening up to potentially seeing that person for a first date. Add their social media! Facebook, Instagram, snapchat, everything! Why? To make sure the person they claim to be and the person they show to be, match up. If a person claims to be super religious but is constantly posting ignorant things, you know somethings up. Plus it's a good way to make sure they are who they claim they are (liars are a big deal on dating sites).

Profiles mean something

You know the " about me" section where you write down what you're looking for and what you are all about? These things matter. For what people actually say put on there? Hell no! Trust me, take what you literally read at face value just like their pictures. Everyone is an "Entrepreneur." What matters is the effort people put into their profile. It is a reflection of how serious they take POF or Tinder or whatever site they're on. If someone took the time to write a three-page essay it's fair to say that its indication that they are more actively invested in the site versus someone who puts "ask me" who probably doesn't take the site too seriously.

Key things to remember:

Most people don't take internet dating sites serious. There's a stigma about meeting people online. Some people deem it as a "desperate."

Most people have accounts but rarely go on it. So don't get butt hurt if someone strikes up a conversation then drops off the face of the earth.

Don't get upset if someone never responds to your messages. Everybody has their own preferences so don't take it too hard if that beautiful person never responds to your ugly self.

It is 95 percent accurate that you are NOT going to meet your soul mate online. Be very VERY skeptical. Assume that everyone is full of it but you're willing to entertain yourself with random conversations.

Internet dating sites are a great way to get a feel for a new town. If you're single and in a new place, a quick way to know where all the spots are is to mingle online.

Expect men to be creepy. 75 percent of dudes are just waiting to send a naked pic.

Expect women to think they're Gods gift to earth. They get a million messages a day and so they feel like they are Kim Kardashian.

Just have fun and don't have any expectations. Expect to just waste time and have a few entertaining conversations.

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