Anyone else absolutely sick of drama?
There is nothing worse than not being able to focus on the important areas of your life because your brain is bogged down in the downward spiral of "I can't believe she said that to me," the "Wow, is he really with another girl now?" and the "Did I really just see my friend's boyfriend on Tinder?" The ways that drama tries to sneak into your life and grab hold of your every waking thought are endless, but don't fret, there are ways to combat drama and push it as far away from your life as possible.
1. Recognize that being apart of drama is 100 percent your choice.
You can choose to let it run your life or you can remove yourself from the situation. Certain people thrive off of creating drama and constantly being in drama; don't be one of those people. If you see drama brewing, run away like you stole something.
2. Value your time and energy more than drama.
If your "friends" try to pull you into some drama, let them know that it is not okay and will not be tolerated. The world is hard enough to navigate without people trying to drain every last ounce of energy you have left trying to deal with some "he said, she said" nonsense.
3. Go to the source.
It's really simple. if you have a problem with someone or if you have heard that someone has a problem with you, go talk to them. You're an adult, so act like it. Talk to them, not about them, and if you do want to talk about someone else, well, just don't.
4. Be the bigger person.
Chances are that neither of them are worth it, so don't give them another thought.
5. End drama-filled relationships.
Don't wait for the "No Drama 2k17" campaign to start, start your own now. Free your mind to do the things that matter, and leave room to fill your heart with people that matter.