1. Stop apologizing
Stop apologizing for things you are not sorry for. Stop apologizing for being yourself always.
2. Becoming healthier
Eating better not only to lose weight, but because your body is a temple and should be taken care of.
3. Stop chasing people
You do not need anyone who does not need you. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for.
4. Become more invested in myself
Learn to love yourself more and put yourself first before others.
5. Make mental health a priority
Being able to love your alone time, being able to know you deserve more than what you am receiving. Loving yourself so much that no one can tear you down.
6. Spend more time alone
Be content with your own company. Take in your own personality, your own happiness and personality.
7. Focus on the future, not the past
Make right now, who you are at this moment a priority. Nothing else matters than how I feel right now.
8. Leave negative people in 2018
Stop allowing negative energy and people bring down your happiness. Be your own sunshine.
9. Look at the big picture
Focus on things that matter, that make you happy rather than solely the negative elements of you life.
10. Protecting my peace
Protecting your inner peace and now allowing outside forces to interfere with my self growth.