WATCH OUT! It's flu season! I got the flu last weekend and my body is still fighting off the last bits and pieces of it. This sickness is not fun and one I suggest you avoid at all costs. I am here to give some tips on how to prevent getting the flu, what you can do during the flu, and after in order to get back to living a happy lifestyle as soon as possible. Please keep in mind that I am NOT a doctor and this is all just knowledge from personal experience.
1. Preventing the flu.
The first thing that you should do is get the almighty flu shot. When I was growing up, I would always get the flu shot. Since I got to college, I have not gotten the flu shot and the past two years I have gotten the flu around this time of year. My doctor informed me that you should get the flu shot around October/November. The second thing I suggest is listening to your body. The past few weeks I had been going out WAY too much. Going out almost became a chore. I would not even be excited to go out anymore.
It ruined my sleep schedule so that even when I didn't go out, I would still be up for hours. Also, alcohol weakens your immune system. So the two things combined are not a good combo. Going out is fun, but it is best in moderation. The last thing I suggest is eating things filled with vitamins such as fruits and vegetables. Other things you can take are Vitamin C pills and Emergen-C. Taking these once a day when you feel like you could be getting sick is crucial, in my opinion. Also, ensuring to wash your hands regularly and staying super hydrated is important.
2. During the flu.
First of all, if you feel like you have the flu, go to the doctors as soon as you can so you can take Tamiflu. This works best if given 24 hours within getting the flu. It helps make the course of the flu shorter. I took this, however, I was too late, so it didn't make the course any shorter for me. I think it still helped, but there is no way of really knowing. Also, it is important to rest a lot and stay hydrated. It sucked having to say no to hanging out with my friends all week, but ultimately it was better for me in the long run.
I watched "Parks and Rec" a lot and I absolutely love that show now! Finally, take the pills you need to take. I know I am not usually a pill person, but when it comes to being sick like that, it helps a lot. Delsym was really helpful for the terrible cough I had, Sudafed was helpful for the congestion, and ibuprofen was helpful for the fever and aches. Everyone is different, so different things may work for other people, but that's what worked for me.
3. The aftermath.
When it feels like you are starting to get better, help yourself, do not hurt yourself. Last year, my flu turned into never-ending bronchitis. This is probably because I did not let myself rest as much. It is best to keep resting, drinking water, taking vitamin C, eating healthy, etc. Personally, I am waiting to go back to the gym until I feel better, but I am doing light exercising here and there. Stretching is also really good at this time since you have most likely been cooped up for a while in your bed.
Well, that is all I have for now! Good luck out there. Stay happy and healthy :)