Learning how to live a healthy stable life while transforming from a young adult to an adult can be extremely difficult when juggling multiple things in your life. Also, if you have any idea what it's like to have and suffer from anxiety you know that it makes all of that two times worse. So, I'm here to help guide all of you over-thinking, obsessive anxious peeps!
Rule number one - Take deep breathes, no one is perfect
Breathe. It's sounds cliche and dumb, but studies found (and personal experiences) show that deep, consistent breathing will help slow the blood pumping through your body from the adrenaline. The adrenaline derives from the 'flight or fight' feeling and doesn't stop until the body and mind understands it's not in danger.
Rule number two - You're not alone
Remember you are not alone, every person your age is going through what you're going through. Whether it's not easy to live up to a siblings reputation, or you're the first in the family to do well, you are your own person and you will experience life as it comes your way. There is someone who's always going to seem better at their job, or doing amazing at school, but under the surface they're drowning under stress and trying to keep up that image. It is okay to not be okay sometimes.
Rule number three - Positivity is key
Surround yourself with positive people and start pushing away the fake and negative people. The people who pretend to be happy for you when you get a new job or when you do amazing on a project, you do not need bad vibes messing you up more than your anxiety will. You will start to notice a difference between the fake and real friends. The real friends will push you and motivate you to do things you never thought you could even come close to accomplishing, the fake will agree with you when your anxiety kicks in and tells you you can't do anything. Positivity also lowers the chances of a panic attack and produces endorphins which will make you feel happier and more productive.
Rule number four - Let it all go
Set those skeletons free! Whether it was a bad breakup, he/she cheated, you lost a family member, or you didn't get that promotion/job you really wanted. Let it go! There will be more. There are other people, other jobs, other things to worry about in life. Anxiety will eat you alive and cause you to hate yourself, hate being outside and ruin you day by day. Life will go on, and things can only go up. Don't let anxiety run your life, you run anxiety! If you also do ask yourself the 'Do I need professional help?' question often, then do it. There's nothing to lose, only gain! If not a professional, turn to someone you trust, a partner, a best friend, a family member. There is nothing wrong with needing to talk, or asking for help. Remember, we weren't born with a 'How-to' manual on life.
Last rule - Live your life
Live your life the way you want. Someone is always going to have something to say, or their opinion. If you're happy with your choices and you know what you're doing will benefit you for your future then ignore the hate, ignore the comments and focus on the little things in life. The little things in life will make you see how spoiling life is, smell the roses, dance in the rain, and focus on loving yourself! Love like you have no chance for it tomorrow, dance in the rain even though you know it'll get you sick, and love yourself because who can love you better than you!