Everyone says time heals a broken heart. And while this is mostly true, a few writers and artists can help you along the way. Whether you relate to their work or are simply inspired by it, use their contributions to your—and your heart's— advantage.
American Teen
Khalid's newly released album brings the sense of innocence of young(er) love and the beauty behind immaturity. His lyrics echo the fun in the beginning of a relationship and the melancholy of the end.
Rupi Kaur
Any poem by Kaur has the power to make you fall in love with her work; it just takes one to get you hooked. A lot of them are accompanied by illustrations. Her book Milk and Honey is a collection of poems divided up into relevant sections titled "the hurting" "the loving" "the breaking" and "the healing."
Sounds Like Me
Sara Bareilles's honest autobiography gives great advice on every page. Not only does Bareilles make herself completely vulnerable in telling moments of her worst heartbreaks, but she talks about the way in which she overcame them. Read about her highest of highs and lowest of lows, a rollercoaster which eventually leads to her success.
You can't go wrong with Queen Bee. She slays.
Lemonade, the visual album, is composed of the songs' music videos. It is extremely powerful. This film is divided into the stages she faces after realizing her husband is cheating. The history of her black heritage and her love story is nothing short of amazing.
Follow this Instagram account to see illustrations done anonymously explaining the grief of a breakup between a creative girl and a boy who is known for his bird shirt/commitment issues.
If I Stay
The trailer of this movie did not do it justice. The main character's life is turned upside down when she loses everything she has. Not only is it a story of boy + girl kind of love but the love between a family. This film is rich, substantive, a must-see!