Winter Break is here at last! No more tests, books (except the fun ones), or homework hovering over our heads! Needless to say, us students are ecstatic. However, as my first week of Winter Break begins, I am realizing how much I have let go throughout the semester while focusing on academia.
My room, while maybe not trashed, is not anywhere near managed. I am one of those people who's state of cleanliness of their room depicts quite accurately their state of mind, so having a room unmanaged is by no means a good thing. I see clutter, disarray, and worst of all, a total lull of motivation within myself.
I think it will be extremely freeing, in both the physical and mental space to clean and go through those areas I find to be so cluttered. I believe that organizing and structuring everything throughout my spaces will be empowering. What can I do about my lack of motivation?
For starters, considering the upcoming semester, which for me is stacked full of challenging courses, most definitely will require a high amount of zest and motivation for me to get through it. Knowing this, I am determined to solve my motivational problem as i slug my way through sophomore slump into the upcoming (upcoming way too quickly) semster. I want to be able to use this break to get my life in order - to whatever degree possible - and I think it is a marvelous time for all students to get their personal needs together! That way, our busy brains can focus on what really matters, without trying to dig our keys out from under the dirty laundry pile (been there done that).