For the first few weeks of summer, it feels like the only thing you want to do is catch up on sleep and eat food. But at some point the Netflix-marathons become monotonous, and sleeping in makes the days feel so much shorter. These are some ways to feel productive while still enjoying your time off from school.
1. Wake up Early
Setting your alarm clock each night so that you get your eight hours, and not sleeping until noon, can make your day feel longer and overall improve your mental state for the day.
2. Fix Your Bed
As simple of a task it seems, making your bed after you get up makes you feel incredibly productive before the day has even begun. Such an easy action can make you feel less cluttered and more organized.
3. Read
Whether it's the newspaper, nonfiction, or fiction, reading for a brief amount of time each day can stimulate the mind and also help better your mood.
4. Keep Your Room Organized
In not allowing your room to get too disorganized, you can feel a greater sense of accomplishment and avoid having to set aside time to clean your room periodically as the pile on the floor grows...
5. Use A Planner
These aren't just for middle school students. Using a planner can help to schedule tasks, events, and even lay out important items on your to-do list.
6. Limit Social Media
Most of the time, using social media does not make us happy. Instead of dedicating so much time to investing ourselves in the lives and experience of others through our phones, it is important to put the phone away and remove the negative distraction at frequent points throughout the day.
7. Learn new things
During the school year, you really wanted to practice the piano or master Italian. There's no better time than the summer to take on a "hobby" or educational interest outside of the classroom.
8. Get into a routine
Make a habit of waking up early, going to the gym, and reading nonfiction. Develop good and healthy (both physical and mental) habits.
9. Make time for family
When you are home, enjoy being with those that you love. During the school year, you don't get to see them as much so optimize the amount of time spent with them.
10. Cater to your own needs
Work on yourself-whether that means going for a walk, reflecting in a journal, or meditating, allow time for yourself and your own needs.