Traveling is an activity that you want to be comfortable doing, especially if you're flying. I've been fortunate enough to have parents that love to travel and made it an obligation of theirs for my brother and I to also travel. Whether that meant a weekend in New York, a week on a cruise, a week at Disney World, or spending some time in LA, regardless of where we were going, I learned the life hacks of traveling and how to make each experience different and easier than the last. This past week, I was in Los Angeles, California for a few days. We took our flight from Louisville, KY and connected in Atlanta, GA where we flew directly to Los Angeles. I love flying because it is never dull a experience. But it can get hectic and stressful at times when things go wrong with seating arrangements and such on the plane. Here's a few things I do in order to make sure I have a comfortable and relaxing flight.
1. Carry-On Bag.
First thing's first. Pack a little carry-on bag that you'll be able to easily transport and have access to on the plane. It comes in handy, trust me.
2. Comply with TSA rules & regulations.
TSA is the Transport Security Administration and they are in charge of making sure that you're safe on the planes and in the airport. Before entering the gates and having access to the check-in spots for your flight, TSA makes everyone go through a routine pat down, bag inspection, etc. The level of difficulty for this process is determined by you. If you comply with their rules and regulations, you can be out of there in no time! Check here in order to gain more information and complete a pre-check as well!
3. Blankets.
Remember that carry-on bag I mentioned earlier? Here's why I said you need to have one. Planes get cold and so do airports. Always pack a blanket in your carry-on. Some airlines provide complimentary blankets but I find them to be too thin and barely get the job done. Also, if you're on standby, there's a chance you may have to stay in the airport longer due to seating arrangements, which is no fun when you're in your summer clothes on the way to or from a vacation in a cold airport. Not only that, but your seat may be next to someone who loves the AC on. So carry that blanket. You won't regret it.
4. Empty Water Bottles.
Remember that TSA routine check I mentioned? Well, if you have a liquid before entering the terminal, they won't let you take it to the gates. They don't care if it's an 8oz bottle of water, they're going to throw it away and tell you to buy a new one once you get through. It's happened to me. But thanks to one, nice and generous employee of the TSA, he told me that to save myself money, just bring an empty water bottle and fill it up after I get through with my TSA check. So for those of you who love to drink water as much as me, here's one way to make sure you always have water and can avoid those crazy airport prices.
5. Comfortable shoes.
I don't care where you're going. Wear some comfortable shoes that you can slip on and off. Flying from Atlanta to LA was a 4 hour flight. When I'm in an enclosed tight space with other people I don't know, I get anxious and uncomfortable at times. So I like to make sure my body is comfortable enough to deal with all of the external stress. This is another reason why a carry-on bag is completely necessary because you can store them in your bag and put them on at the gate as you wait to board the plane or when you get on the plane.
6. Melatonin pills.
Like I said, flying can be hectic, stressful, and kind of uncomfortable. For me, this happens when I'm on the plane for too long because I'm constantly looking around, making sure my music isn't loud, I'm not touching the person next to me, making sure of all these little petty things. And this causes me to stress. This time I decided to take my melatonin pills on the plane in order to induce a few hours of sleep during the flight. Melatonin pills are safe for consumption and can be taken through TSA easily. Take them 30 min prior to boarding and you'll have the best nap ever on that flight!
7. Headphones.
Depending on your distance of travel, you'll get the privilege of TV on the plane with complimentary movies and TV shows and even music! Having headphones allows you to watch the TV or play your own music or do whatever it takes to make your flight enjoyable. Some airlines have headphones you can purchase on the plane but they're not always the best quality. So make sure to take that carry-on bag and pack one or two pairs of headphones if you find it necessary.
8. Aisle Seats.
I know that everyone loves window seats but if you can, try and get a seat in the aisle. Meaning, sit on the outside. Yes, you may get hit by the flight attendants and their refreshment carts, but having an aisle seat permits you to get up and go to the bathroom without bothering the people in your row and it allows you to get off of the plane quicker! Trust and believe me! And most likely, the person you're sitting next to will have the window up anyway so you'll have access to the view as well.