There are typical situations we encounter, especially when traveling, which result in either brief or lengthy conversation because of the tight space shared, such as sitting on an airplane. In such situations like these, it opens a space for sharing intimate stories with strangers. In these circumstances, it's important to understand howto go about creating meaningful conversation.
1. Become friends
I’ll normally have a quick dialogue with the person I’m sitting next to in order to avoid awkward silence, but a special case can emerge when one party shares details of their personal life in the hope of receiving advice. If you’re lucky enough to generate a conversation with a stranger, make it an open space for each of you to share anecdotes. Whether it be an informal or formal exchange, a conversation is always a two-way street. The best way to make someone feel comfortable around you is by showing them you are open and engaged.
2. Trust is key
Trust is important. Trusting someone means you have confidence in them and believe they are a reliable asset to your well being. People who make you feel comfortable enough to open up creates a bond between each of you; a relationship. You are able to feel safe with them, physically and mentally. But you have to start somewhere, you can’t just dive into a conversation head first with old memories and secrets without giving the receiver background material.
So don’t just jump right in, show the person you are vulnerable first, which will help them gain trust in you. Express curiosity toward the person talking to you, relate to them by sharing an experience and establish a connection with the other person. Always be genuine. Always offer a helping hand. Always follow through with your word. Making it known that you are trustworthy and reliant opens doors to more conversations in the future.
3. Make it meaningful
Sharing opinions, feelings, and viewpoints on subjects that are communicated during the conversation builds significance in the dialogue. A way to make the conversation more meaningful is to take it through a more profound course; evoke questions, raise doubts, discuss self-conscientiousness. Do this by becoming familiar with the interests of the receiver. Once you’re aware of one another's sensitivities, you’re able to ask more personal questions.
If you follow these guidelines, you will grow your ability to engage with people in a more meaningful way. I follow these on the daily with strangers, acquaintances, and my best friends, and have truly noticed a difference in my personal development and identity. Start small and you’ll then see a world of difference in yourself and people you engage with.