Have you ever wondered what Jews do on Christmas day? Well here are the answers to your question. It’s something called Jewish Christmas and no, it’s not Hanukkah.
1. Morning
Wake up and don’t open the Christmas presents because you remember you’re Jewish and don’t celebrate Christmas. Then you get to eat the cookies that would have been for Santa; just make sure to save enough for Hanukkah Harry to come by eight nights in a row.
2. Noon
Go eat Chinese food at a restaurant that’s open. Take your family, take your friends, and make sure to eat a lot of egg rolls because heck; it’s Jewish Christmas and you were lucky enough to find a Chinese restaurant that was open on Christmas day.3. Afternoon
After you have successfully stuffed yourself with enough Chinese food to last until next Jewish Christmas, go watch a movie that opens on Christmas Day with your favorite Jews. I normally only watch one, but you can always movie hop and watch all the movies you possibly can fit into the rest of the day.
4. Evening
Eat some latkes with applesauce and watch your favorite Christmas movie as a guilty pleasure while gathering around the fire to play a fun game of dreidel.
This year, Hanukkah lasts from Christmas Eve, December 24th, all the way through the evening of January 1st, 2017. Make sure to mark this on your calendars, and don’t forget to make Hanukkah Harry some cookies and leave him some gelt all eight nights!