A relationship, in general, is a cycle of give and take. Partners are required to give up things, compromise, and stretch themselves in order to keep a relationship healthy. When a desire for success is included into the equation, it becomes increasingly sticky. When a couple puts a high value on growth towards their goals, it can make the balance between social and work life muddled, but by taking the time to stabilize these aspects, a beautiful relationship can be created, maintained, and grown.
In order to have a balanced relationship, a couple needs to set aside time for each other. This goes for any relationship, but for a couple that puts a high priority on success, this can be extremely difficult. Between the meetings, events, interviews, and getting in extra time at work, time is not always a prevalent resource. As the responsibilities pile up, you become tempted to cancel that dinner date or that night at home, but something needs to be given up in order to make that time available. Whether it be setting aside weekends for each other or always eating meals together, any and every relationship needs attention, love, and care. The work is never ending and will always be there when you come back, but a relationship will quickly crumble if it is not nurtured.
In a relationship with two people driven by success, communication is a key aspect in order to keep the relationship balanced. Like stated above, time is valuable. It is possible that many days will be spent apart, and nights will be so exhausting you will pass out as soon as you walk in the door. In a relationship with an ambitious couple, there is no time for games, and it simply puts a strain on the relationship and on both of your emotions. Value your own opinions and desires enough to put it front stage and listen to your partners' thoughts and complaints. Work through your problems, and strengthen your relationship. Do not hold in concerns because they will slowly but surely chip away at a bond until it breaks.
Flexibility is probably one of the most important aspects in balancing a relationship driven by success. Dates will sometimes be cancelled and plans will sometimes be changed. Things are not always going to go as planned, and sometimes you will have to go with the flow. Realize there will be good days and bad days. Sit back and enjoy the impromptu aspects of life. Cherish those long talks at midnight and those inside jokes you make every second of the day. Flexibility is a feature of a relation that will weather the chaos of life.
Couples that are driven by success, whatever that success may be, are some of the strongest ever seen. These are relationships that consist of people that were strong apart but have grown stronger together. These are people that throw themselves into anything they set their mind to wholly. They are messy but passionate. They are demanding but rewarding. These relationships require work to maintain and harmonize, but this balance, however hard, is what makes these relationships beautiful.