Every morning, at the break of dawn the sun arises, which is pretty amazing. Unfortunately, many people do not get the chance to experience the beauty of the beholder. The chaos of life is filled with demands. The to-do list of fulfilling someone's desires that you probably will never meet. Finally, you awaken worn and tired, reluctant to embrace a new day all because of unfulfilled expectations.
If we are not careful to evaluate our emotions. We will go through life basing the day on how we feel and feelings are subject to change. Instead, we should approach the day with a fresh attitude of truth. Knowing that it is a brand new day of new beginnings. Take a deep breath, exhale, stretch your arms out wide and embrace the fresh air. Look up at the sky, look at the trees and listen to the birds chirp. This allows you to be present in the moment, exuberant and full of energy to embrace the day.
By Carol Carpenter