In the post-graduation setting, I find myself alone quite a bit. At my small college, there were always friends to hang out with, distract myself from my studies and have a good time anytime of the day or night. Now, I'm back in suburban Minnesota. No longer are adventures with my friends a walking distance away. But having this time alone has given me the unique opportunity to do some self-introspection.
Recently, this has become a huge topic of conversation to me. After absorbing much of Gary Vaynerchuks content, and reading Grant Cardone's newest book; I've come to learn more about myself in the month or so than in the previous year and a half when I began this journey. I recently explored this topic on my Snapchat (follow me!).
The biggest thing that I've learned is that how you utilize the time by yourself is a huge judge of not only character, but your level of ambition and productivity. When most people find themselves in solitude with nothing on the schedule, they usually find a way to 'waste time'. This can involve binge watching House of Cards, scrolling through Instagram, lying in bed starting at the ceiling, any number of 'unproductive activities.
As Luke Cage stated in the now popular Netflix original "Forward Always." Growth is the ultimate sign of success & happiness. If you find yourself going nowhere fast, then its time to find a new direction.
And yes patience is key. But don't wait for something that isn't going to happen without you doing anything to get it. Tired of being single? Stop swiping left and meet some people. Sick of your job? Upgrade yourself, do some research and get a new one. Tired of not having a goal? Find something you love, then figure out a way and take the action steps to manifest that passion into a career.
I didn't say it was going to be easy or happen over night.
What I'm trying to suggest is that you ought to be aware of how you spend your 'alone time'. Are you working out or watching live streams of your favorite video game? Reading or binge watching? Drinking alone or listening to your favorite podcast?
I don't judge, but I want you to become more self-aware of how you spend your time. Some of these aforementioned activities may actually be useful towards your goals! If you're consciously watching how your favorite streamer is playing the game, then it becomes a learning experience. Studying your favorite actor? Then what better way than to take notes of them acting in your favorite films/shows!
Value is a matter of perspective and intent. So take decisive action and be conscious of how you're performing these actions.
I hope that this article brought some value to you this week. How do you best use your time alone? Are you fully self-aware?