Two weeks ago was a bit of a tough week, so I'm going to be focusing on something brighter and a slightly confusing topic.
a brief but intense infatuation for someone, especially someone unattainable or inappropriate.
Ever since we hit puberty, we go through the transitions. You know the ones I'm talking about. The ones where we start noticing people in a different light and then get this way.
1. We see a person who has struck our interest.
It's never two, but a specific one you have your eye on.
2. We get the butterflies and get giddy over the simple things that they do and over their smile.
Believe me, all of us have been in this situation before and quite frankly, it's a great feeling.
4. At some point, you try and talk to them, but then it doesn't go smoothly since there's always someone who's talking to them.
Maybe you have this epic joke to tell them or a pun.
4. You become somewhat closer to them and you're finally in their circle of friends.
For those who are lucky enough to get to this point, I give you all the props.
5. You finally tell them how you feel.
This is the stage that you have anxiety over, including the fact that everything will go down the drain or will be awkward between you guys.
6. Things are great between you and the person, and you guys agree to be a couple.
Might as well enjoy it, and soak everything in with a Netflix marathon... Or don't. Actually, don't do that but maybe rethink what happened that day.
7. Or things don't go as plan and you feel like everything is now lost.
Don't worry, keep that chin up and shake it off. Just because it didn't go as planned with this one, doesn't mean you will be alone forever.
Real talk, though. Here's the thing about crushes — they are the bane of our existence, and you go through many crushes in your lifetime. Sometimes we need some heartache, so that way we enjoy the possibility of going out with our next crush.
So cross your fingers.