How often do you stop to actively appreciate the people and things that make your life possible?
It's so easy to become all too familiar with these aspects of your life and fail to see the true value in them. We fall into a routine, mindlessly go about our day to day activities, and expect people to be there for us when we need help.
Especially when you’re in a depressive or anxious state of mind, it’s so easy to see all of the negatives in life. I’ve read and heard many people talk about this “tunnel vision.” Engulfed in thoughts that lead you to believe that you are not adequate enough for your tasks at hand, you don’t matter, and you will never succeed are the epitome of self-destruction and self-hatred. This negative energy transfers into your relationship with friends, family, work, school, etc.
If you are constantly experiencing this detrimental self-talk, no wonder everything sucks. This is something I’ve come to realize myself. Journaling about the things I’m grateful for allows me to take a step back, get out of my head, and marvel at all the beauty in my life.
1. It guides my positive thinking
Instead of getting discouraged or envious when I see someone with more or my idea of "better" than me, I'm able to look at all the things I do have. It's such a liberating feeling to let go of this constant jealousy towards others and be able to appreciate what you can call your own. I am more enthusiastic about my own life.
2. I go through my day more mindfully
It’s so easy to get distracted by my thoughts throughout the day, to the point where I don’t hear the person who is talking to me, or I will fail to notice the way the sun fills me with energy. Rushing around throughout the day and avoiding potential pain has the power to make you ungrateful and dull. When I know I will be giving myself the time to reflect on all the things I have to be grateful for, it sets my mind up to be in tune with what’s going on around me.
3. I can see problems as opportunities
The mind loves to play tricks on itself. Going into a confrontation with the mindset that you will be rejected or that it will not play out in your favor sets you up for failure. Being grateful does not involve going into a situation with the mindset that it will bring about pain, rather it allows you to appreciate the opportunity at hand.
4. It strengthens my personal relationships
There are plenty of things that I can be grateful for, like my guitar, for example. But I would rather thank my dad for gifting me the guitar. Writing down the ways in which my friends and family have helped and guided me fills me with an appreciation for them. In turn, it shines a light on what I can do to show that I acknowledge their support and be able to help them in return.
5.) It provides a greater sense of self
Showing gratitude to the people and things that surround me fills me with wonder about my own abilities. I can be confident about the ability I have to recognize the meaning of waking up every morning. It provides an opportunity to show love and compassion. It gives me a purpose, to strive to better myself for others around me.
Taking the time to write down the things your grateful will impact your overall happiness. It will allow you to clearly see all the little gift that life has to offer. It floods your mind and body with positive energy.
You should read over these tips and start your gratitude journal today!!