Noo….way. These things are red, oozing, painful, bigger than Venus and yes, they are stuck to my face! I squinted and leaned in towards the bathroom mirror and begged my reflection to answer the question, “Why today? Why today!”
That morning it was my responsponsibilty to lead group of perspective students around the University campus. It was that morning that my face had decided to break out, leading a trail of rashy stars across my nose and cheeks.
“Ew!” I yanked open my drawer to snag my concealer. After rummaging around for a good minute or two, something struck me. The concealer was gone. Gone? Oh no… I had packed it for my trip last month and left my backpack at my friend’s house
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” I shoved my body against the marble counter and glowered at the mirror.I didn’t have any powder left either. From the looks of things, I was going to have to go naked face.
Embarrasing to the max.
The familiar alarm on my phone sounded, abruptly pulling my attention from the mirror. Jesus time. That was the last thing I wanted to do, spend time with the One who made me to have zits on my face. Regardless, a date was a date and I was not skipping out.
Soon as I plopped my butt into the large chair and folded open my notepad God’s presence filled my lungs. Thick, overwelming, beautiful.
“Good-morning Abba. Would You please, please, please show me how You see me? I do not feel pretty today… at all. These zits are super gross.”
The warmth inside me intensified as I waited for His response. Finally, I could hear Him chuckle slightly before He started speaking.
Katie, my perfect daughter, you stun me. Everything I made about you is perfect. Just because society isn’t on board doesn’t mean a thing. You are perfect. Stunning. Unequivalent. Unique. Not one person reaches my heart the same way that you do. I made you just as you are and I rejoice in my creation.
“Can you help me believe and understand this?”
Of course. Katie, my love. You believe that everything I say is true… is that correct?
I looked down at my notepad. “Correct.”
Then take what I have just said about you and realize that I do not lie. I do not change my mind. I do not waver on what I have decided.
You are beautiful. You are perfect. You are unique. You are protected. You do not need the approval of the people I created. You are mine. I will give you everything you need. I love you. You don’t need to look a certain way for people. Their opinion will fade… it will also trap you. Choose to believe My truth. Choose freedom.
I tucked my knees into my chest as the warmth intensified. “I love you too ABBA. Thank you.”
Of course my Beloved.
I allowed myself to linger in His presence for a few moments longer. The warmth that flooded my insides washed over my fears like purifying lava.
I lifted myself off the chair refreshed and left the conversation feeling confidant that the opinion of others could have disabled me. I could have been trapped. I could have stifled myself by caring about their thoughts on my Pompeii pimple but no, there was so much more in store for me.
Thank God!
Instead of fear, the personality God gave me would shine through instead. The beauty He placed in me would be the focus, not my attempt at covering up (which is usually pretty awful anyway…I’ve been far too lazy to watch makeup tutorials on youtube)
Please remember to run to Jesus and ask Him for His opinion of you when you’re struggling with you appearance. He ALWAYS answers. He always cares.
He wants to see you free, not chained to the opions of imperfect people (yes, including your opinion of yourself).
Proverbs 29:25 – fear of man proves to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord will be kept safe.