Compliments are a wonderful thing. Whether it’s an old friend recognizing something great you’ve done, or a complete stranger noting your unique style-receiving some spontaneous, kind words are an amazing feeling.
The feeling of giving a compliment is awesome too, though. Your words can absolutely turn someone’s day around, especially if you mean what you say. Here are some ways to give genuine compliments that are sure to be received with a smile!
1. Be Observant.
Take note of what is truly unique or special about the person. It’s far too easy to fall into the pattern of telling someone they’re “pretty” or “nice” without really thinking. It’s when taking a moment to observe why we like someone so much that our compliments become really genuine. Along with this, thoughtful compliments are always more memorable.
2. Compliment An Underlying Quality.
In general, we like to compliment people’s talents. Saying “you’re so good at playing guitar!” or “you’re a great dancer” are easy ways to acknowledge someone, but you can take it a step further. These simple phrases can often lose their meaning in repetition, so change it up and make someone’s day! By complimenting what makes the person have that particular talent, we can honor their hard work even more. Try saying “the dedication you have is really amazing” or “I love how committed you are to your art”. By recognizing the underlying quality that makes the person be able to achieve what they do, you go beyond a surface level compliment.
3. Think About The Small Stuff.
The best compliments aren’t always on the obvious topics. Sometimes, the most memorable remarks are based on small qualities that not everyone notices. Think of the small stuff like the type of music someone listens to, or the way they walk with confidence. It is often the little things that make our personalities unique and interesting. Valuing the quirky or distinctive elements of a person's character can make them feel noticed and loved.
4. Be Specific.
Don't automatically use generalities like "you're so funny and pretty and nice!" When we overuse words like these, they lose their value. Instead, opt for something specific and detailed. Of course, saying anything complimentary is kind, but if you want someone to feel really special, try to be more thoughtful and really consider the meaning of your words.
No matter what you say, as long as your words are rooted in kindness and love, you're doing great. Follow these tips to make your compliments more meaningful and to make someone's day! Happy complimenting :)