1. Wake up in the morning
Wake up each day and spend a few moments thinking about just how blessed you are to be able to do such a thing. Every day, no matter how taxing, is a gift (unfortunately there are no returns or exchanges, but hey, life's a mixed basket).
2. Get out of bed and walk to a mirror
In order to know whether or not you have the perfect summer bod, you have to actually look at it. The mirror is paramount to unlocking your inner goddess (or God).
3. Stop critiquing what you see in the mirror
Now that you've made it to the mirror, if you're like me, you're analyzing your body. Picking apart every lump, bump, and mark. Telling yourself where you can improve, perhaps you're visualizing workouts for the gym to target that area, or even making a list of "forbidden foods" to trim down. Stop it. Body shaming from others is bad enough, but if you are going to shame your own body, then you are standing between yourself and your own happiness.
4. Thank your body for all it does for you, and embrace every flaw, because it's a part of you
My body may have stretch marks, there may be cellulite forming, shoot I may even spend the first five minutes of step three telling myself that there is a spare tire composed of donuts and ice cream around my mid-section. But, more importantly, my body walks miles across campus each day, helps me to play and engage with kids at work, propels me up stairs, hikes to the most beautiful places, and does, ultimately, whatever I set my mind to. It is a vessel for my soul, and should be treated like the treasure it is. My scars tell a story, my stretch marks and "lumps" remind me that I am in recovery and my cellulite is proof that I have conquered my demons. I am thankful for them, no matter how society tells me to view them.
5. Rest and Repeat
Now live your life, go through the day, take note of all your body does for you. Thank it at the end of the day with a good night's sleep and a delicious meal, and prepare to thank it again the next day.
Now say this with me, "my summer body is my body."
My "Summer Body" is my body.
Powerful words. Stop torturing yourself in the gym with the latest and greatest pinterest post designed to "blast fat and boost muscle." Start exercising simply for the joy of feeling your body move. Stop doing the newest cleanse, diet, or nutritional rebalance. Your body is in need of SO many things. To give it all it needs, your diet must consist of a variety of things: fruits, vegetables, dairy, proteins, carbs, and yes, even fats are absolutely essential to your body. When you deprive your body of nutrients, it goes into survival mode, so yes, you may lose weight on your carb free diet, or even your God-awful juice cleanse, but you will gain it all back. Because when you do that, you are quite literally starving your body of what it needs. It holds on to the nutrients when they return because it thinks your life is in danger. It is trying to save you.
The best thing my dietitian ever gave me was a book called, "Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program That Works." It taught me that my body knows what it needs. So now, I am free of the diet mindset, I eat what I want, when I want. Yes, I exercise moderation, but gone are the days of forbidden foods and greek yogurt meals.
I'll say it again, your summer body is your body.
Love it, thank it, appreciate it, and most importantly, embrace it. Your body is unique to you, and that is a beautiful thing.
So go, hit the beach or pool, rock the swimsuit that you're most comfortable in. It doesn't matter what others think or see, it matters what makes you feel like you, exactly as God made you to be.
Your summer body is your body, and yes, it's beautiful - just the way it is.