With school starting so soon, it's time for the soon to be freshman to start saying their goodbyes to their hometown. It can be a nerve-wracking but also extremely exciting time for the college newbies, and its better to start getting ready now rather than later. Here's how to start prepping for the excitement ahead.
Start looking for bedding and dorm décor early.
Everyone is shopping all at the same time so the good stuff usually goes pretty quickly.
Learn how to do laundry.
If you are not commuting from home, you will have to do this on your own and it is better to start learning now than have to look up YouTube videos on where the detergent goes when you are putting your clothes in the washer.
Try and decide how you want your room set up before you get there.
Between you and your roommate and both of your families, there is not much extra room in the room to meander aimlessly around. Know what you want before you get there so that you can give everyone a job and get the room put together faster.
Take a lot of pictures with all your friends before you leave.
You will regret not having a wall full of old photos to look back on when you get a little homesick.
College is a lot different than high school and all your planning is on you. You will get a syllabus and usually that is it. It is up to you to know when things are due or when an exam is coming up, so get organized and get a nice planner.
Especially at a bigger school, sometimes if you wait until the first week to get your books, then you are out of luck and a few of the ones you really need will be sold out.
Try to sign up for fun core courses.
Once you are more into your major you will not have the opportunity to take more fun classes, so while you have the chance take classes that peak your interest. I took a class called Sexuality and Gender which was an easy A and made it more fun for me to go to class, and I know one of my friends is taking a class called History of Baseball as their history course. So do something fun.
If you have not worn that shirt in six months, it’s truly unlikely you will use it at college. You will not need your books from when you were 6 years old or your old prom dress or even all the shoes in your closet. Limit yourself and ask yourself if you really need it.
Get excited.
At the end of the day, just be excited. Don’t be nervous or scared about the "what if’s" and the "could happens," just be excited to start a new chapter of your life with new people and new memories.