Getting over an ex can be one of the hardest things a person goes through. It’s like losing your second half. If you lose a significant other, you’ve lost a part of yourself. Getting over someone may be difficult, but here are eight ways to help you get through the breakup.
1. Delete their number
If you delete their number from your contact list, you’ll be less likely to call or text them. Better yet, block their number. That way they can’t text or call you either.
2. Unfollow them from every social media account
Remove them from Snapchat, unfollow them from Twitter, and delete them as a friend on Facebook (that includes their mom, dad, sibling, grandma, and their cat). If you are still following them on everything, whenever they post something you will see it and be reminded of your relationship.
3. Remove their email from your contact list
So you’ve deleted their number and all their social media accounts, but you can still contact them through email which is why you should delete their email as well.
4. Stop looking at old photos (delete them)
You’re just going to be sad and wondering “What if …” or “Remember when …” or “Where did I go wrong …” Stop. Delete them.
5. Hang out with your friends (who are single)
Your friends will help you distract yourself from your ex. They’ll keep you busy doing something you enjoy, and your friends are fun! Plus, they’re just trying to help you get over your ex as well. But make sure they’re single, too, or else you'll get jealous they have a significant other.
6. Date someone new
Go on a few dates! I’m not saying to sleep with everyone you know, but you should still see other people. But don’t join Tinder. Tinder is creepy. Or you can do what Taylor did, and write a song about it.
7. Buy a new pet to keep you company
There’s a reason some doctors prescribe pets. They’re cute, cuddly and comforting.
8. Spend time at home with your family
Your family members are the only human beings who have loved you since day one, and will love you till the last day. They love you unconditionally no matter what, and will always be there to support you. Spending more time with your family will distract you from what doesn’t matter, and keep your mind on what does matter.
If you follow these steps, you’ll be getting over your ex in no time! Enjoy being single and figure yourself out. Being single isn’t all that bad.