Have you ever had a week that you have absolutely no motivation to do anything else but curl up on your bed and watch life go by on social media? Then homework starts to pile up, chapter after chapter of readings become a burden on your shoulders but that motivation just isn't there.
This has been my life this week, I barely left my room only to eat and go to class. I felt that social interaction was awkward and not as easy as it usually is for me. I rolled out of bed looking homeless and went to class, usually late (granted I am noted for my consistency in tardiness, so don't count that one).
I call this a "mental bump" when my mind has decided "Nope, not gonna be motivated today!" So you may be thinking, "Jade, what did you do to get over this awful mood?" Well, readers, I will tell you. These tips can work for a little down-in-the-dumps day or a full-out mental bump.
1. Make yourself look good!
Nothing makes a person feel better than looking extra hot that day. So for girls put on your make-up, straighten or curl your hair, put on your best outfit, hold your head high, and strut. Guys, I don't know, put on some deodorant and a nice shirt and have some confidence in yourself! Even if you don't feel it at the time, act like it and the good mood will follow.
2. Surround yourself with people that like you
Snag some friends that like you regardless of your mood and tell them you are in a mood. If they are your friends they should know what to do.
3. Just hug it out man
Yeah, I know big manly men don't like giving hugs. But hugging someone releases happy chemicals in your brain called Oxytocin. A quick hug is known to lower blood pressure and lower your stress level. You may feel silly but ask your roommate or your mother for a hug and you are bound to feel better! Don't believe me? Try it!
4. Take a nap
Just take a nap, if that doesn't work see steps 1,2, and 3. But naps are awesome.
5. Get some work done
Muster up all of the motivation that you possibly can and work on your homework/ work for at least a little bit. Finishing your work gives you a sense of accomplishment and that always makes me feel better. Having trouble getting past the motivation part? Give yourself small incentives such as phone time, food, or Youtube videos.
Try out these tips and we will hopefully get you feeling back to your wonderful happy self!
If not, talk to someone, mental heath is extremely important to your school work, social life, and all around life. If this terrible mood follows you around like a bad smell, definitely talk to someone, anyone that is a good listener about your feelings. Just trust me on this one.