Now that Spring is officially here, we’re all busy working towards the end of the semester. If you’re anything like me, you’ve been running on autopilot for most of the Winter and you’re ready to shift back into gear in time for finals.
1. Get Up
2. Have a drink
Upon waking up, treat yourself to a drink to start your day. Whether it’s water, tea, coffee, whatever you choose just make sure it’s either hot or ice cold. The goal is to take a moment to reset everything. You want this drink to be a shock your system as much you want it to refresh you.
3. Start fresh
Shave your face, clean your clothes, wash your hair, make your bed, organize your desk, remove old nail polish. Do whatever you have to do so that everything around you is in order.
4. Practice gratitude
Working towards a positive mindset is key once the gloomy Winter months are behind us. By regularly, actively acknowledging the things you're grateful for, you set your mind up to appreciate these things even when you aren't thinking about them.
5. Go for a walk
Get your blood flowing and enjoy some vitamin-D while you’re doing it. These are both extremely important for our well being and you’ll be enjoying the beautiful Spring weather in the process.
6. Eat from the Earth
Try to avoid boxed foods and give yourself a day where you only eat from the earth. We’re all made up of the same organic matter that comes from the ground, so by avoiding man-made, processed foods you’re feeding yourself with the materials you need in order for the mind and body to function properly.
7. Connect
Give an old friend a call or say hi to an acquaintance on the streets. Humans are social creatures and we need these basic interactions to stay sane.